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This web page was updated in January 2025.
I started this website a LONG time ago. As you can see by the subject of this specific web page, it really was MANY years ago. This may come as a shock to some people, but before there was the World Wide Web, there were books in print form that contained information. There WERE some EXCELLENT books in print form that would list grants, loans, and scholarships according to different criteria such as ethnicity, gender, financial status, and more. Some of the books listed on this web page were standard sources that were in the library, usually the Reference section, that provided valuable listings of scholarships. HOWEVER, it appears THOSE days are LONG GONE.
I know that it might be proper for me to delete this web page. However, still, there are some scholarship books in print form that continue to be published. I will continue this specific web page a little longer as kind of a lesson in history. It is a tribute to the people who collected scholarship information and put that information in books. Some of the old books MAY have some listings of scholarships that continue to be funded by organizations. Some of the scholarships are old and may not have been picked up by the the many online scholarship directories like Fastweb and Scholarships.com.
Some of these books are expensive. We advise and strongly recommend that you look for these books in your local LIBRARY. If your local library does not have them, then ask the library staff if they can try to interlibrary loan the books from another library. Usually, this is a FREE service.
As we stated on the Financial Aid Basics Web Page, there are a lot of grants out there, but the eligibility requirements for many grants / scholarships are very, very specific. However, there are many grants listed, that hopefully, you meet the specific requirements of some of the grants. Depending on your financial situation, just one, two, or a few grants/scholarships can go A LONG WAY to pay for your education. Although, scholarship books in print were vaulable sources for finding scholarships, many of the online scholarship directories are the new sources of valuable information about scholarships. Scholarships on the World Wide Web.
If you are not able to locate some of these books in a library, then you may want to try clicking on Amazon.com in order to go to an advanced search screen where you can search by title, subject, year, keywords, format, and MORE. Reviews and links to affiliate book stores can provide some fair prices. BE CAREFUL OF THE PRICES LISTED FOR SOME OF THESE BOOKS.
The Ultimate Scholarship Book 2025 is one of a very small number of books in print that continues to be published, and seems to be published annually. The contents may change from year-to-year, but at one time this book did more than list scholarships, only. This book was known to list scholarships based on: field of study, career, interests/hobbies, special circumstances, state of residence, military-related, ethnicity/race, religion, disability, membership, sponsor, and scholarship name. This is the latest description about the most recent edition: "Information on 1.5 million scholarships, grants, and prizes is easily accessible in this revised directory with more than 300 new listings that feature awards indexed by career goal, major, academics, public service, talent, athletics, religion, ethnicity, and more. Each entry contains all the necessary information for students and parents to complete the application process, including eligibility requirements, how to obtain an application, how to get more information about each award, sponsor website listings, award amounts, and key deadlines. With scholarships for high school, college, graduate, and adult students, this guide also includes tips on how to conduct the most effective search, how to write a winning application, and how to avoid scams."
The College Blue Book: Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and Loans. Like many things these days, many sources are available online or ONLY online. It appears that the lastest edition of "The College Blue Book" is available online. ALSO, it appears that the latest edition is kind of old as the copyright year is listed as 2021. I am not sure if 2021 was the last year updated? Please check with your library if this source is available to you in print or online. MacMillan Reference USA has been publishing this five-volume set for decades, which they call the College Blue Book . Usually, this source is found in the Reference section of the library. Each volume covers something different about colleges. For example, one volume will list colleges by degree and subject. Another volume is devoted to giving detailed narrative descriptions of colleges. However, one volume covers "Scholarships, Fellowships, Grants, and Loans." This volume has a few indexes that will help find the money.
Peterson's Scholarships, Grants, & Prizes. Peterson's is a well-respected company in the field of education. They have an online searchable scholarship database at their website. However, the last publication date for their book is 2021, which may be helpful, BUT it seems old considering how frequently scholarships seem to come and go. Their online scholarship directory is located https://www.petersons.com/scholarship-search.aspx.
Scholarships, Fellowships, and Loans is a THREE volume set that is considered a "A Guide to Education-related Financial Aid Programs for Students and Professionals." The 37th edition is in book form dated 2019, but the 38th, 2021 edition is availalbe in eBook form. STILL, they are pretty old publications with questionable currency of scholarship information. For many years, this was a very good source for a variety of financial information as well as other forms of college information. Here is a quote from the book's website: "Written especially for professionals, students, parents, counselors and others interested in education, this annually updated resource provides sources of scholarships, fellowships, loans, internships, work study, and other education-related financial aid at all levels of study. Look for the section on federal financial aid for a quick summary of programs sponsored by the federal government. Also included is a state-by-state listing of agencies that users can contact in their home state. Five handy indexes help you quickly locate the information you need - Field of Study, Legal Resident, Place of Study, Special Recipient, Sponsor and Scholarship." BE CAREFUL OF THE LISTINGS FOR THE PRICE OF THESE THREE VOLUMES.
Reference Service Press "began in 1977 with a single financial aid publication Directory of Financial Aids for Women, and now specializes in the development of financial aid resources in multiple formats." Following will be a list of the financial aid resources that this company publishes in book format. Although the subject of each book is different, the indexes in each book are very similar. Gail Ann Schlachter is one of a couple authors who have been involved with many of the following titles for many years. JUST when I think that I should take this list off this web page, I see that she is involved with UPDATING SOME of the titles on this list.
SOME of the following titles were updated between 2020 to 2022, but many of the titles have NOT been updated for a long time and provide old information. The older information may be helpful, BUT the information in the older books has NOT been updated.
College Grants and Scholarships with the Minimum Amount of Eligibility Requirements is a Kindle eBook that lists approximately 150 college scholarships that have the least amount of eligibility requirements, so that just about any U.S. citizen can apply for these scholarships. Some libraries may have access to this eBook. There are only so many scholarships for a specific group of people, whether it is Hispanic, single mothers, women, nursing students, veterans, or other groups. This ebook can provide a list of more available scholarships. Some of these scholarships require writing an essay while others require filling out just an application. There are NOT many scholarships available without specific, limiting criteria. There are many resources that will list thousands of scholarships, but a majority of them will have very specific requirements that prevents many students from applying to most of the scholarships listed in the resources. However, this Kindle eBook lists scholarships that most people within the U.S. can apply for. If you do not have a Kindle, you can download the free Kindle Previewer in order to view Kindle books on your PC at http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/?docId=1000765261. We know how it may be difficult to format documents for the Kindle, so the formatting might be kind of strange for some of the text. However, we find the text tolerable and the links work.
This eBook needs an update, BUT, there are many scholarships listed in this eBook that continue to be active.