
Grants, Scholarships, and MORE

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College Money for Single Moms / Mothers / Single Parent

This web page was updated in January 2025.

Many single mothers are searching for college grants and scholarships. College grants and scholarships for single moms and single dads is a very popular request. There are some college grants and scholarships for single moms "out there." However, it appears that there are not many college grants and scholarships out there based on the single, specific eligibility requirement of being a single mom or single parent. Our best recommendation for single moms in order to find financial aid for their education, is to please look at college grants and scholarships based on other criteria than just being a single mother or single parent. For example, if you are a female who is a single mother, lives in California, plans to attend a college in California, and plans to be a nurse, you have options other than seeking just those college grants and scholarships that are JUST for single moms. You have the ability to search for college grants and scholarships for women. You have the ability to search for college grants and scholarships for those people who live in California (state of residence). There are resources that will list college grants and scholarships per state. You can contact your California State Department of Education. Many colleges have their own sources of funding that many students do not know about until they ask a particular college's financial aid office. Many colleges have their own foundation or resources that will provide financial aid to only those students who attend their college. If you plan to be a nurse, there are organizations that will provide college grants and scholarships for students planning to achieve a career in nursing (field of study). The same is true for people seeking a career in other fields of study, also.

YES, there are some college grants and scholarships for people based on the single, specific, eligibility requirement of being a single mom, single mother, or single parent. However, there are other options for single moms and single parents for finding college grants and scholarships.

Pell Grants: A number of sources will list Pell Grants as a source for obtaining college grant money for single mothers. Actually, Pell grants are a very popular source of grant money from the Federal Government for ALL people who meet the criteria and A LOT of students meet the criteria. Here is an excerpt from that gives a brief explanation of Pell Grants.

"The Federal Pell Grant Program provides need-based grants to low-income undergraduate and certain postbaccalaureate students to promote access to postsecondary education. Students may use their grants at any one of approximately 5,400 participating postsecondary institutions. Grant amounts are dependent on: the student's expected family contribution (EFC); the cost of attendance (as determined by the institution); the student's enrollment status (full-time or part-time); and whether the student attends for a full academic year or less. Students may not receive Federal Pell Grant funds from more than one school at a time." You may receive only one Pell Grant in an award year.

The amount that a student can receive depends on a number of factors, but it is possible to receive over six thousand dollars for a Pell Grant. You need to see a financial aid counselor at a college or a high school to learn more about this, as well as other forms of financial aid.



We decided to write the following statement about being careful on applying for scholarships that MAY no longer be available. From our experience of trying to list scholarships that are currently available, we have found that many scholarships stay on the World Wide Web, although the organizations that at one time funded the scholarships, NO LONGER fund the scholarship. We have found that all the information is on the organization's web page, BUT, the date for applying for that scholarship may be a couple years old. Our best advice is that IF a scholarship is listed on a web page AND the date of application is more than a year old, then it is VERY PROBABLE that the scholarship is NOT AVAILABLE. Our best advice is that if you are interested in a scholarship that has older information, then PLEASE TRY TO CONTACT them to see IF the scholarship is currently being offered. Definitely, a number of organizations may delay funding a scholarship for a year or two. However, there are many scholarships that are found on web pages that have been there for years that have NOT been funded for years.


Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers Single Mother's Scholarship

Sponsor: Rosenfeld Injury Lawyers

Eligibility Requirements: Enrollment in an accredited high school, college or university in the United States. Must be a mother who is attending school. Two scholarships worth $1,000 each are being awarded, "one awarded to a single mother in an undergraduate program or community college and one to a single mother enrolled in an accredited law school."

Contact: Please visit for MORE INFORMATION.


Educational Foundation for Women in ACCOUNTING
: provides funding for a few different grants. "The Women In Transition and Women In Need scholarships were established to provide financial assistance to female reentry students who wish to pursue a degree in accounting. These scholarships were designed for women who have become the sole source of support for themselves and their family, either through divorce or death of a spouse. However, women who are single parents as a result of other circumstances will also be considered." Information about this scholarship as well as others can be found at: at


Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards (formerly Women Opportunity Award).

"The Soroptimist Live Your Dream Awards (formerly the Women’s Opportunity Awards) assists women who provide the primary source of financial support for their families by giving them the resources they need to improve their education, skills and employment prospects.

"Soroptimist's LiveYour Dream Awards program ia a unique education award for women who provide financial support for their families. The Live Your Dream Awards give women the resources they need to improve their education, skills, and employment prospects. Every year, Soroptimist distributes more than $2.8 million in education awards to about 1,700 women all over the world. Over half of our Live Your Dream Awards recipents are survivors of domestic violence, trafficking, or sexual assault. Nearly all of the women and families we serve have overcome enormous obstacles including poverty, teen pregnancy, and drug or alcohol addiction. Live Your Dream Awards recipients may use the cash award to offset any costs associated with their efforts to attain higher education, such as books, childcare, tuition and transportation."

"The Live Your Dream Awards involves three levels of cash awards. Ultimately, a Live Your Dream Awards finalist has the potential receive up to $16,000 to help offset tuition costs, purchase books, get transportation, or find reliable childcare so she can worry less about how to pay her bills and focus on reaching her dreams."



"The Ford Family Foundation offers a suite of financial and program resources in Oregon, Siskiyou County, Calif., and, in some cases, other regions. Many recipients enthusiastically declare that the Scholarship Programs are about “so much more than the money. Our selection committees strive to select recipients whose past and potential are worthy of special support. We work to develop a long-term relationship with such students – not simply to bestow a scholarship." "The Ford Opportunity Program was created by Hallie E. Ford (1905-2007), a founder of the Ford Family Foundation."

At one time the opportunity program was need-based and designed for single parents who are heads of household, pursuing a bachelor's degree, and do not have the support of a domestic partner. You will need to contact this website for opportunities that they offer.



Scholarships for Moms: We were hesitant to list this specific scholarship for a while because we just did not know if it was legitimate. However, this scholarship has been around a while and looks credible to list this scholarship for mothers, single or married.

"Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and must be permanent residents of the United States. You agree that you are currently enrolled, or will be enrolled within the next 3 months, in a college or university in the United States. Applicants for the promotion must be a parent to one or more children. You may also be expecting one or more children at the time of entry. Documentation of requirements must be produced upon request." Apparently there is NO essay so the winner it picked through a drawing. The award is for ten thousand dollars. More information is located at

Scholarships for Moms provided a Scholarship for Dads. HOWEVER, as of 2018, it appears that scholarships4dads will NOT continue a scholarship for dads. You may want to make note of this scholarship IF Scholarships4dads decides to fund the scholarship at a later date.



The U.S. Department of Education provides funding for several grants. The Pell Grant is one of the most popular grants that many, many students receive year-after-year. PLEASE do NOT underestimate the value of the Pell Grant as well as other funding opportunities listed at their website. Many students will qualify for, at least, some Pell Grant money. Some students will qualify for the maximum amount of Pell Grant money, which is over $6,000. The maximum amount of money may change yearly.

The information provided by the U.S. Department of Education can change, often.

There are a variety of menus and web pages to view on their website. Here are some web pages where you are able to begin your search for funding:


PLEASE visit a College Financial Aid Office for more information about Federal and State grants, scholarships, and financial aid.

The good news about Pell grants and other funding from the U.S. Department of Education is that people can receive up to a little over $6,000. The not so good news is that IF you are awarded the maximum amount of money, then usually, this means that you are considered by "formulas" to be in NEED of financial aid, and THAT is not a good situation to be in. However, if you can receive a large part of the grants, listed above, it can go A LONG WAY to getting you a good-paying job with good benefits. Let us give you a possible real-life example on how this CAN work. Let’s say that you want to get an associate RN degree. Usually, the associate degree can be achieved in about two years. For example, let's say that a community college offers classes for "in-district" fees of about $90.00 a credit. Most classes are three or four credits a class. Let's say that your classes are four credits each. At $90.00 a credit, this means that each of your four-credit classes will be about $360.00. Let's say that you need 72 credits (approximately 18 classes) to receive the degree. Here is how important three, four, or five thousand dollars in grant money can be. You can take three classes a semester (12 credits) for three semesters (one year = fall, winter, spring/summer). This adds up to 36 credits for one year. The approximate cost of the classes for one year would be $3,240.00 (36 credits times $90.00 a credit). You do NOT need the maximum amount of the Pell Grant to fund a year's worth of classes. If you get more money, then that would be GREAT because it could pay for your BOOKS, which is another expense. Pell Grants are funded every year, SO you can ask for more money to fund the second year of community college so that you can pass your classes; fulfill the 72-credit requirement for the degree; take and pass the national examination; apply and be hired at a hospital where you can make around $50,000 with benefits for you and your family. Do NOT underestimate grant money from the U.S. Department of Education and do NOT underestimate the value of an education from a school other than a major university.


OTHER Resources that may help Single Mothers and Single Fathers

YouTube Video:  How to Find College Grants and Scholarships is a short six-minute video that gives you an overall look at where to find college grants and scholarships. If you have no idea on where to start to find financial aid, then this video will give you a good idea on how to go about finding free money in the form of financial aid, grants, and scholarships for college or trade schools for a variety of groups of people such as nursing students, single moms, women, and just about any U.S. Citizen seeking scholarships with the least amount of eligibility requirements.


Fastweb is a scholarship service that is free. It is part of the company. Fastweb is one of the more popular and recognized free scholarship search services. You need to register and make a number of selections for your profile. Like most of the free search services, if you do not like the results, then go back and change (edit) some of your original profile criteria and then perform another search. This particular service allows you to choose criteria such as field of study, gender, single parent, ethnicity, age, country of origin, disability, medical condition, and much more. PLEASE pay attention to the web pages as some of the pages/forms may be ADVERTISEMENTS for colleges that you are filling out and NOT the scholarship website's profile/registration. is a very popular free scholarship search service. Also, this site provides a separate short list of grants for women and a list for single moms. PLEASE pay attention to the web pages as some of the pages/forms may be ADVERTISEMENTS for colleges that you are filling out and NOT the scholarship website's profile/registration. provides on the bottom of their web pages different links to different scholarships. The Scholarships for Women URL is listed there and here is a direct link to their web page:


There are a number of books that will list grants and scholarships based on all kinds of criteria. HOWEVER, many scholarship books in print form are now kind of old. You have to be careful of how much information is out-of-date. Directory of Financial Aids for Women is one book in particular that is devoted to listing college grants and scholarships for females. A list of books can be found at College Grants and Scholarships Listed in Books page. We advise you to see if your local library has any of the books, so that you can view them for free. Many libraries have an interlibrary loan service that will allow the library to retrieve the books from another library for free. Many of the college grants and scholarships listed in these books have very narrow, specific, restrictive eligibilty requirements. It is very possible that out of a book listing hundreds and hundreds of college grants and scholarships that YOU may find only a few college grants and scholarships that you are eligible for. It really may be in your best interest to try to retrieve the books through a free service such as what a library can do for you.


College Grants and Scholarships with the Minimum Amount of Eligibility Requirements

The eBook needs to be updated, but there are a number of scholarships that continue to be active.

A majority of the scholarships listed require you to write an essay, but there are some scholarships listed that require no essay. Some of the scholarships are just for high school seniors. However, there are quite a few scholarships for students who have been out of high school awhile. There are scholarships for those who are about to attend college or are already in college. A majority of people will be able to apply to a majority of the 150 scholarships on this list of scholarships. 

If you do not have a Kindle, you can download the free Kindle Previewer in order to view Kindle books on your PC at OR . We know how difficult it is to format documents for the Kindle so the formatting might be kind of strange for some of the text. However, we find the text tolerable and the links work.

Normally, we advise you to see if a local library has this eBook. However, we know that eBooks are not a big part of many library’s budget, so it is questionable if many libraries purchased this Kindle eBook.  We know how frustrating that it is trying to find scholarships with almost no eligibility requirements. It is up to you if you want to purchase the eBook. Only you can decide if the low price is worth it.


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